How to Consign to the Fine Arts
& Decorative Accessories Auctions

Consider the auction method for establishing the real market value with competitive bidding. Consignments of items for upcoming Fine Arts & Decorative Accessories Auctions can be arranged by contacting Brent Souder at 215-393-3003, or email: [email protected].

In today's Society, many people are turning to the auction method as a quick and efficient way to sell. Alderfer's can handle all aspects involved with the auction from packing, pickup, advertising and display to the auction itself.

Each auction is evaluated to determine how and when to best market the merchandise. Our in-house experts then create a fully customized program designed to fit the commodity. An intensive marketing program prior to the auction draws attention to the auction, providing maximum exposure and visibility to potential buyers.

Detailed settlement sheets along with your check for the proceeds are mailed within 14 working days of the auction.

Upcoming 2007 Fine Arts & Decorative Accessories Auction Calendar

Auction Dates:
March 8-10, 2007
June 14-16, 2007
September 6-8, 2007
December 6-8 , 2007

Alderfer Auction Center
501 Fairgrounds Road * Hatfield, PA 19440
215.393.3003 * 800.577.8846
E-Mail: [email protected] * Web Site: